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Mayo a doper July 31, 2007

Posted by Shamous in cycling, doping, Iban Mayo, roids, saunier duval-prodir, steroids, suspended, testosterone.
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You wouldn’t believe it Iban Mayo tested positive. This isn’t the first time. He has tested positive for testosterone before. He wasn’t alone this year in the tour. But I have already talked about the other riders early. As a result his team, Saunier Duvel, has suspended him and will terminate his contract if the B sample comes back positive as well. I will inform you on more information when it arises.

Tour de France Squad updates. June 29, 2007

Posted by Shamous in Andreas Kloden, Andrey Kashechkin, Astana, cycling, david millar, Kim Kirchen, michael rogers, paolo savoldelli, saunier duval-prodir, steroids, T-Mobile, Tour De France.
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Well some more teams have released their rosters for the Tour de France. Some very important names have been left out of the rosters. This is due to the connection to steroids usage. This is a good sign that the Tour is going to be cleaned up. They are on the right track to cleaning up the cycling world. The sooner it is cleaned up the better. I hope more teams follow the examples of the likes of Astana.

Astana Squad

  1. Antonio Colom
  2. Maxim Iglinskiy
  3. Serguei Ivanov
  4. Andrey Kashechkin
  5. Andreas Kloden
  6. Daniel Navarro
  7. Gregory Rast
  8. Paolo Savoldelli
  9. Alexandre Vinoourov

Saunier Duval-Prodir Squad

  1. David Canada
  2. Fran Ventoso
  3. Iban Mayo
  4. David de la Fuente
  5. Juan Jose Cobo
  6. Iker Camano
  7. Buben Lobato
  8. Christophe Rinero
  9. David Millar

T-Mobile Squad

  1. Michael Rogers
  2. Mark Cavendish
  3. Marcus Burghardt
  4. Linus Gerdemann
  5. Kim Kirchen
  6. Bernhard Eisel
  7. Axel Merckx
  8. Giuseppe Guerini
  9. Patrick Sinkewitz